The Standard. The decision has been made.
I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.
My mind is here to know.
My past is redeemed, what I do now is expected,
and my future is in God’s hands.
I am done with immaturity, mundane talking, and selfishness.
I am not in the halls for the looks, on the court for popularity,
or on the stage for applause.
I don’t have to be right, first, recognized, praised, or rewarded.
My body is for Him.
I now live by faith. I lean on Christ’s presence.
I work for His glory, pray for His power, and play in His wonder.
My direction is set. My goal is heaven.
My Father is reliable. My Mother is confident.
And my soul is ready.
I do not compromise for others sake,
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice,
complain when my way is not done,
laugh with sin, or mess with mediocrity.
I won't fall into rudeness or overlook kindness
Knowing that I can make a difference.
I am a Titan, I set the standard. I follow the mission of the Gospel.
I must go until God comes, learn for the sake of truth,
act so good can be done,
and honor His power when mine is not enough.
And when He looks to me for a task, He does not hesitate.
He knows my heart is strong and the expectation will be made.